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[FR] Форум Корпорации "RUS" Монстров


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мы и ГДЛО

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вчера имел переписку с ТОП-1:

Mais Qui 13.08.07
RE^3: hi 17:45:59

Hi man,

My main question : what kind of relationship would you see beetwen our ally ??

I think we can't have a PT, and we wil fight each other before the last af the server.

But until that Wonder become, i don't see any reason to attack you.

So be quiet, that GdlO don't help the coalition.

I have one more question, if you want. How is it now in the battlefield ??

I ask that to you, because since i have said to the Coalition that we don't want participate, they are mad against me !!! And they don't want to give me any idea of how is it :(

See you soon
Xa4iman a écrit:

I hope you understand, that with us as with organization will come to be considered in race for Wonder
Personally I do not see other opponents in this business except for you ;)

Outcome of that war, which to us now impose it will be unequivocal on our party
What sense to be at war on distance it is more than 10 hours?
It for the beginners and fools
And to organize a defense we are able during pair of hours, of what former our opponents already were repeatedly convinced
Those alliances, кторые now so actively agitate for this war already have sufferred a defeat in local wars with us
So in general for a result I do not worry
In any case of their loss will be much more significant...
Their chiefs are not professional enough

And to your alliance I test respect
Therefore as the organization of your actions in many respects is similar to ours
Therefore we could cooperate
Though and privately
Politics of our wings is those :)

It can become the beginning of the relations or they will be finished in a germ to decide to you
Mais Qui a écrit:


In my opinion, i don't see the point in beginnig a war now.

We will fight each other when the wonder are activated, and not only in a war, but in a race to the wonder.

This is only my position, not all GdlO for the moment.
That' s the first contact we have with you.

Say me more if you want more explanation or precision.
Xa4iman a écrit:

Good time of day!

Here against us try to begin large-scale actions
To me interestingly your opinion on this situation:
http: // forum.travian3.fr/showthread.php? t=11530


а теперь посоветуйте, чтобы ответить...
у меня мыслей куча, но ни одной стороцентно правильной :(



так и не понял на что ответить то?



может с ними скрытые дипконтакты наладить?



а смысл?



может округу пошерстят... ;)



думаю,что такой не обязывающий разговор более дипломатичен в  смысле  пропаганды,нежели  открытое сейчас навязывание  конкретных  целей.
лучшая  позиция-чудо  нас  рассудит.



Меня ,конечно, как всегда зашугают ,но мой атташе с ними общается. Условий не выдвигают,помощь предлагают и т.д. и т.п.
Как мне кажется им нужен союзник против А+. Но А+ то-же не дураки, всегда говорят что против Ру воевать не хотят.
Поэтому они и пытаются найти хотя-бы тайных союзников.



насколько  я  понял  из  французского  форума про   алльянс  против    нас,  оба   алла  рассматриваются  в  качестве  ударной  силы с  весьма  высокой  степенью
поэтому  внесение  любого  разброда  и  сумятицы-первоочередная  задача  любой дипломатии  и  шпионажа.
не  забывайте  про прививаемую им  политкорректность.
вплоть  до  того,чтобы  почувствовали  историческую  вину  перед  нами. (историю мы   знаем  лучше  их)