Dimo 17.07.07
RUS-LLE2 ( Dimo) 17:17:38
Hey .. can you please attack these villages but be worried ! he have a lot of wariiors in his capital ! i want to attack him but he is to far from me .. he insulted all the russian alliances and he attacked me with 500 of each units ! i destroyed all his units that he send me but he said that he have much more and he will attack me one more time ! can you destroy him ? these are his villages : ( i am going to take him of his villages )
rock lee (Capitale) 490 (214|-67)
asuke uchiwa 156 (215|-68)
néji hyuga 61 (216|-68)
So ? he is near you ! thx Dimo from RUS-LLE2
Отредактировано bunin (2007-07-18 17:06:19)